(Americans & Cubans building Community through Exchanges, Support & Outreach, Inc.)

ACCESO Mission

ACCESO is a small organization compromised entirely of volunteers whose mission is to provide humanitarian outreach to the people of Cuba who are struggling to obtain essential human goods such as medicine, medical supplies, and reading materials. ACCESO sponsors annual humanitarian missions that not only donate material goods from the United States to Cuba but also helps to build relationships between Americans and Cubans.

ACCESO and Fundacion Amistad

In November 2004, was possible the donation of books and medical supplies from ACCESO to FUNDACION AMISTAD to be delivered to the people of Cuba for humanitarian purposes. Various hospitals, clinics, vendors, schools, and individuals from the Massachusetts area have donated the supplies for the sole purpose of benefiting the Cuban people.

All this has been made possible through the generous donations of individuals and businesses as well as the hard work of our ACCESO volunteers. Having an all-volunteer organization ensures that all donations benefit the Cuban people directly. Through our experience we've also learned that small efforts like ours make a significant difference. We are opening hearts and improving lives.

ACCESO Co-Chairs

Senator Jarrett Barrios, a Cuban-American, co-founded ACCESO and has led three prior humanitarian missions to Cuba.

Osvaldo Mondejar, a Cuban-American and Co-Chair of the Governor's Commission on Employment of People with Disabilities, is the co-founder of ACCESO and has led two prior humanitarian missions to Cuba. He is a Human Resources Manager for Massachusetts General Hospital and consultant on issues related to disabilities (youth, family, community, employment and access - Universal Design).

Donna Perry, RN, MS, NP is coordinator of The International Nurse Consultant Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and has done previous international medical work in Guatemala, Israel, India, and The United Arab Emirates.

PO Box 1868
Brookline, MA  02446

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