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Hurricane Relief For the People of Cuba
Due to the devastation of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, Fundación Amistad has launched our 2008 Hurricane Relief Project to aid those who are in need throughout Cuba. At this time, Fundación Amistad is working closely with Caritas-Cubana, the social service agency of the Cuban Catholic Church that attends to the most vulnerable and needy population of Cuba, including the elderly, women and young children, who has aided in distributing the supplies donated.
Fundación Amistad has recently obtained a license from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and The Department of Commerce to send remittances to Cuba, along with basic survival needs, such as: building supplies - Lumber, plywood, electrical wiring, paint, concrete, roofing materials and flooring materials; basic food and household needs - dried beans, rice, canned foods and evaporated or condensed milk.
Fundación Amistad is in the process of sending one ship container filled with donated lumber from Gulf South Forest Products, Inc. in Fort Lauderdale, FL to those who need building supplies in Cuba.
Fundación Amistad has sent funds to aid the Daughter’s of Charity organization in Miami, FL in sending one ship container filled with food and supplies to Cuba.
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